Never Forever

By Natology

Deconstructed shapes of black leather and wax, carefully layered, rebuilt and then draped in genius. That’s the Elliott Evan collection by designer Elliott Giffis. You see, there’s a math to building a great garment that goes far beyond the final product. Wearing a piece that’s drafted and constructed by an artist is what it’s all about. Elliott has a distinct way of constructing a garment that allows it to become an architectural piece. We love fashion because we love art, and that’s what we want to wear.

I met Elliott twelve months ago and will never forget the first time I went to his home in Downtown LA. My jaw dropped from the creative energy in the space. Layers of patterns carpeted the floor of his loft occupied only by sewing machines and a single mattress in the middle of the room. The rest of the space was filled with handmade jackets, which developed into his first collection. Elliott builds his garments similar to the way he builds a motorcycle. There’s a blueprint and an understanding of the human body that allows him to create comfortable, modular, and transformative work. Here are a couple videos to introduce you to Elliott and his process. If you’re in New York for fashion week, I highly recommend you see his show on February 7th.


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